
Trimeszter Rapid Pregnancy Test

The Trimeszter Rapid Pregnancy Test can detect pregnancy early, up to 3 days after fertilisation, i.e. 7-10 days after implantation, and 3-6 days before the next due period is missed, due to the excellent sensitivity of the test.

Test sensitivity 10 IU/litre hCG

The test strip is a self-testing medical device for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use only.

The principle of measurement

In pregnancy, a hormone called choriogonadotropin begins to appear in the blood and urine after the fertilised egg has implanted. The test strip detects human choriogonadotropin (hCG) in urine.

The measurement is based on an immunoassay procedure, the signal is provided by a labeled monoclonal antibody specific for the beta subunit of hCG.

The sensitivity of the test is 10 IU/litre hCG. The concentration of hCG in the urine can exceed 100 IU/litre on the day of missed menstruation.

How to use the Trimeszter Pregnancy Test?

Follow the instructions exactly!

Urine samples can be taken at any time during the day, but the first urine in the morning always has a higher concentration of the hormone to be detected. The test should preferably be carried out on a fresh sample. The urine sample can be stored at 2-8°C for up to 48 hours before testing.
If testing a refrigerated sample, allow the test strip and urine sample in the sealed bag to warm to room temperature (20-25°C) before testing.
Use the test strip immediately after opening the foil pouch (within 1-2 hours)!
Try not to touch the middle, uncovered reaction zone (between the arrows and the hCG label).

How the test works:

Pour the urine sample into a clean container. Dip the test strip from the sealed sachet into the urine sample in the direction indicated by the arrows, up to the horizontal mark at the tip of the arrows, which is approximately. 1.5 cm from the bottom of the test strip.

The test strip can be kept in the urine sample until a reading is taken, or if it has been in the sample for at least 30-40 seconds, it can be removed and placed on a horizontal surface to read the result.


Markings are usually visible within 3 minutes, but wait at least 10-15 minutes for the background to clear before evaluating the result! After drying, the markings remain stable in most cases for a long time, even months.

Evaluation of the result

POSITIVE (PREGNANT): Two red stripes are clearly visible, the test stripe (T) and the control stripe (C)

NEGATIVE (NOT PREGNANT): Only one red stripe is visible, the control stripe (C). The appearance of a control strip indicates that the test strip is operational.

INVALID: Not a stripe is visible. In this case, the test cannot be evaluated because one of the reagents is not functional.


The intensity of the test strip and control strip is not always the same, depending on the amount of hCG in the sample. If the test strip (T) is weaker than the control strip (C), but appears distinctly within 15 minutes, the sample is considered positive.
Some samples may develop a barely visible test strip (T) signal after about 15 minutes, which may not always indicate a positive result.
If the test strip (T) is barely visible and you are unsure of the result, repeat the test in a few (2-5) days with a fresh sample, as the concentration of hCG hormone doubles every 1.5-2 days in the earliest stages of pregnancy. You can still have a positive hCG signal for several weeks after an abortion.

Similar to other rapid tests, the test result only provides additional information, and further medical and laboratory tests are needed to confirm the pregnancy. Outside pregnancy, certain tumours, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy can cause high hCG levels. Therefore, hCG detected in urine should not be attributed to pregnancy unless these pathological conditions are excluded.

Storage: The test can be stored in a sealed bag between 4ºC and 30ºC until expiry. Open only immediately before use.

Interfering substances effect: Not known.

Destruction: Handle with care, samples from the human body may be contaminated.

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